Delanie's Blog

Friday, October 20, 2006

Queen of the Damned

That's right, Queen of the Damned get's its very own post because I can't seem to get enough of that movie! I don't know why but I can watch it over and over and over and over without getting bored of it. The music is great, even though it's not my favorite genre. Stuart is absolutely adorable and makes a much better Lestat than Tom Cruis EVER could. He is damn fine in this film, sorry hun.

Vampires have been a secret passion of mine and I still love them! I have been reading Anne Rice and so far Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, and what I've gotten to in Queen of the Damned has been fantastic. She's an excellent writer. Never mind the sexual tention between son and mother and gay relationships. I say who cares, get with the times. Get over it. One way or another it's still love, still provocative, and still damn good writing. (minus the insest part).

The movie I think was well done for combining The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned. And although the relationship between Jesse and Lestat never happened I could see the Hollywood reasons and also I could see how it might have happened under different circumstances in the book.

I watch and listen to Queen of the Damned often. :)


I LOVE TV on DVD. It's the only way to go these days. Our TV DVD collection is growing; Buffy the Vamp Slayer, Angel, Babalon 5, Battlestar Gallatica, Smallville, Charmed, and the latest adition Supernatural. Mind you not all of our collection is complete.

TV sucks because of commercials. I hate commercials and is it me or are they getting worse? Both in content and length? It seems to me that we watch 5 minutes of show and 15 minutes of commercials... what the hell is up with that anyway. Ugg.. maybe we are just used to watching TV without commercials. Worth every penny spent let me tell you!