Delanie's Blog

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Birthday

Monday, June 26th was my birthday. I had a great day and a great weekend. A friend of mine came up from Yreka on vacation and stayed with Mike and I. I had a blast, we watched Battlestar Galatica and played an old nintendo game called Spot. For being somewhat entirely lazy it was still incredibly fun! Thanks Rob!!

This year I turned 28 and I've been thinking about past birthdays and younger birthdays mainly because I've been going through photos. What I've come to realize is I haven't had a conventional birthday party in a long time. I guess when we get older we only have large celebrations on the important dates, 21, 30, etc. It's just something I thought of. I definately didn't need a birthday cake, that I don't miss... ugg. SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Photo Project

I have ambitions about my photos throughout the years. I have collected most of the photos from my family (mom and grandmother) and would like to put them in albums or scrapbook.

Scrapbooking is new to me, not sure if I like it or not. What I had not realized was not every photo can go into the scrapbook, you have to be very selective. So what happens to the rest of the photos? Do they end up in a regular album or just junked? If they are seperated into Scrapbook and album and they belong together as the same trip then why bother with two different outlets?

The photos have been sitting around waiting for my attention, but I can't seem to figure out how to go through them all and organize them. Again the question remains do I put them all in an album or do I put some asside for a scrapbook. I started this project by scanning the photos on the computer so we all can have electronic copies. I never realized how large this project was and I guess I am feeling overwhelmed. So how do I get motivated again to finish this project?