Delanie's Blog

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Maybe it's just me...

Just some thoughts about a group I've been gaming with for quite some time now. I must admit that change is hard for me. Our group has seen better days and more members in the past. I miss some of those people but as life goes they move on and get involved with other things. This astounds me for some strange reason. Why can't people stay in touch? Old friends are only there in memory, what's preventing them from sitting down and typing a short e-mail saying hello? Is time really all that important and we have become less of a priority? Why should friends and social bonding become less of a priority than work and material gain? What's wrong with the world today when friends don't have enough "time" to see one another once in a while? Makes you wonder, doesn't it?


  • At 4/20/2006 2:24 PM, Blogger netZombie said… could say its a by-product of our hyper-society. Everything is always leaning towards "more with less", and "bigger, better, faster".

    Sadly, this equates to time as well for many folks. I think that once we have some small time to ourselves we feel shelfish about it, and we only want to do something we haven't done in awhile, or perhaps haven't gotten the chance to do yet.

    I do know what you mean though.


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